Welcome to our corner of the Internet!
Welcome to the Run Eat Drink Podcast! This is the podcast where we travel to fun destination races (5K, 10K, and half-marathon distances), eat delicious food from local eateries, and celebrate with tasty beverages from local breweries, coffee shops, speakeasies, and watering-holes. All the glory may be with those who cross the finish line first, but the fun can be found with us at the back of the pack...and after the race!
Join us each week as we bring you great options for your next run, visit restaurants and gastropubs that only the locals know about, and try beverages so good that they ought to be illegal. Let's accomplish, explore, and indulge together!
Scroll down to learn a little more about us and the show. Click on the "Listen Now" button to listen (or watch…sometimes we drop videos) to the latest episode.

Accomplish (Run)
Accomplishment is an incredibly personal thing. Are you an elite runner looking to win a race series? Are you just looking to get off the couch for your first 5K? Or, are you hoping to PR your next half? Whether you are an elite runner, just starting a "Couch to 5K" program, or somewhere in between, nothing gives you quite the same sense of accomplishment as running and we are here to help you set a goal and accomplish it.
Each week we try to feature a great destination race from somewhere around the country. We want you to learn about these races so that you might plan your next "run-cation" to one of these cities. What makes these races so great? For some it's a beautiful view on the race course. For others, it's the charity the race supports. And finally for some, it's all about the BLING! Whatever your reason, we’ll show you some amazing races.
In the weeks where we aren't traveling, we feature interviews, running segments that spotlight training tips, running gear, or a more personal look at our own running journey.

Explore (Eat)
It wasn't until I got into running that we learned there is this whole subculture of people out there who like to pair running and traveling. We have always wanted to travel. Dana and I love seeing new places and meeting people. One of the best parts of traveling is getting to eat regional, local cuisine. We love finding the places that only the locals know about, the places where they aren't afraid of bold and interesting flavors, and the places where food is more than sustenance, it's a passion.
After each race, we love going out and wandering around town to find these kinds of places bringing them to you. Each week, we highlight a local eatery where you can refuel after the race. We explore the city, AND the menu to give you some great dining options for your post-race recovery OR your next getaway.
Indulge (Drink)
When the running is done, it is time to relax, unwind, and have a tasty beverage. Whether it's a one-of-a-kind craft beer from a microbrewery, an artisanal cocktail from some tucked-away speakeasy that's bringing back traditional ingredients and flavors, or diner that makes a mean cup of Joe, we'll help you find just the right beverage to toast your accomplishment.
We try to find unique beverages and the places that are making them for you to try when you visit these places. With the craft beer movement sweeping the nation, there are so many options for those that want a pint. Looking for something stronger? You are in luck. We often find some "mad scientists" behind the bar at many local establishments and we love to feature their "experiments."
Remember, always drink responsibly. Too much of a good thing, even coffee, can be bad.